After my big “Congo Adventure”, I’m going to be preparing to visit our wee ones in South Africa in May. YES, I am also going to be meeting with people about planning the kitchen…
BUT… as our kids will soon be entering the winter season… I was ALSO thinking… (boy, are we ALL in trouble!!! HAHA!!)… maybe we should do a fundraiser so that I can locally buy coats for our orphans when I get to SA… (that way I wouldn’t have to hand carry them all!!!)
Pray about it, please!!! I’m figuring it would cost about $10 per coat… what do you think? Is anybody up to this challenge? Do you think we could do this by May?
I could hand carry donated hats, mittens, and scarves, if you find any end of season sales or want to put your knitting needles to good use… but I think collecting the funds for warm coats will be most important. If you are with me on this… go to the DONATE menu option above… AND CLICK IT!!! You will be able to donate any amount though Paypal, or get the information you would need to send a check.
May God bless each of you as we seek to bless these fragile little ones with warm winter coats.
Also… let’s pray their winter is NOTHING LIKE the one we’ve had in the northern hemisphere… I hear our Zoe friends Bev and Betty have spotted polar bears moving onto the glaciers that are still on their lawns!!! HAHA!
THANK YOU for considering participating in this fundraiser. – – Sal