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WE want to be a family to a forgotten village in South Africa. We happenstanced on this village where children are literally raising children–orphaned due to HIV, crime and poor living conditions. We have begun nursing care and counseling programs to the children who have been violently raped and uncared for. We are adopting this village school as our own and want all to gather with us and provide Christmas shoes for those children that have none!

Company Overview

We are a nonprofit organization reaching around the globe to those in need. It is our desire to serve people and bring the love of Jesus to the nations. We have been working in South Africa bringing Jesus into the villages for many years now and have seen remarkable changes to the lives of many! Jesus saves—we serve.


We have been working with a group of orphans in a village called Majakeneng. It is one of the poorest villages in the BRITS South Africa area. Here we have many children without parents and without papers for ID. They have been brought here from surrounding countries and then parents have died leaving them to fend for themselves. There are about 400 orphans in the school where we are working; 30-40 without any parent or relative. The only meal they get is at school. We long to become family for them..

General Information

OUR long term goal is to establish a village for these forgotten children. Zoe Village is our long range goal. It is here that we will have houses set up for 8-10 children with a momma and assistant. On the grounds we will have a teacher, our own social worker and mentoring, counseling services. We will be copartnering with Flames Christian Church which was founded by our Pastor Martin who went to heaven in May of 2011. This was his vision and now has become ours. These children need family, we want to be everything God wants us to be for them.

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Lets unite together and be a family to AIDS orphans in South Africa!