All posts by Zoe Admin

Christmas 2014: Wildlife Bible StoryTellers Party Day 1

A few weeks ago, the ZoeForKids Christmas 2014 Team visited the children of Majakeneng Village.  What a celebration we had!!!

There was singing, dancing, the Gospel being shared, teaching, games, mass quantities of food and sweet delights… and oh, did I mention the Wildlife Bible StoryTellers that YOU PROVIDED?  Children LOVE stuffed animals, but these were special.  Each stuffed elephant, tiger and bear (OH, MY!) has a little “marsupial” pouch that contains a solar charged audio device with 12-15 hours of Bible Stories in both Tswana AND English preloaded… their new stuffed friends will not only teach them about the love of God, but English too.  But WAIT… there’s more… the pouch also contains a picture book that helps them visualize the Bible stories that are being told, AND they were given ear buds so that they can listen to their wee critter in private.

Join our party!   Share the joy… feel the warmth and happiness… AND KNOW THAT THE WORD OF LIFE is being received and heard by each little ear.  Below each broad smile… look at the death grip that each child has on their new ‘best friends’.  YOU provided the Word of God to these dear ones.  YOU provided them with hope and the good news of salvation.  YOU provided them with a friend to cuddle and comfort them…

Enjoy the party with us… it would not have been possible without you.  THANK YOU for allowing us to deliver YOUR gifts to these dear, sweet orphans.  Well done, you!!!


Sooo, what is a gogo?

gogo: go’-go (noun) [South African English]

    Common usage:

When parents die of AIDS, surviving orphans often go to live with a “gogo,” the Zulu word for grandmother.

    Oxford definition:

           * a grandmother
           * the title for an older woman that is polite and shows affection
* .

    ZoeForKids definition:

          * humble, uncelebrated, elderly women who may look frail
          * ferocious prayer and praise warriors at the frontline of His Church
          * some of the strongest pillars in the temple of the Almighty God
* .

Before leaving on our recent trip to South Africa, we were determined to honor the service of these dearest of the saints of God!!!  What amazing women!!!  They serve our Lord in sooo many selfless ways… without hope… or desire of any recognition is this world.  Sooo, we called on our resident poet and HUGE ZoeForKids supporter, Pastor Brad Hering, from River of Life Community Church in WA.  He prayerfully composed the following poem to honor these women:

go go ladies of South Africa

 Dancing and praising wherever they go,

Joy spills over because of Who they know.

Wise warrior souls, forged by the King,

overcoming hardship as they worship and sing.

Beautifully weathered hands raised up in grace..

their closeness to Jesus is written on their face.

Their hugs melt away sorrow, their eyes heal up pain,

Their praises bless Jesus as they count all loss.. His gain..

” Boitshepo, Boitshepo, Boitshepo” Holy is His name!

They dance on clouds in heavenly places

and joy strengthens all of our faces.

Perhaps we’re entertaining angels as we honor them today,

or perhaps they’re a glimpse of heaven in God’s special way..

One thing for sure is, they’re God’s humble queens..

loving and serving in Ways not fully seen.

On wings of prayers from above, their lives are proof of His love.

Their faith in Jesus grows everyday… and if you hear their sweet singing,

this is what they say…

“Boitshepo, Boitshepo Boitshepo” is JESUS!

 ***Boitshepo- hoping this word means “Holy” in Tswana.

in Awe of His Love,

Pastor Brad Hering, River of Life Community Church

Camano Island, Washington, USA

 What an ABSOLUTE JOY it was to read this poem aloud (with Pastor Alcy’s translational help) to these dear ones… and see the joy in their faces.  Each gogo was given a copy of this poem in honor of their AWESOME and INVALUABLE service to their church community, especially the children… most especially to the children who are most in need.

Is this for me ...

“Is this for me?”


Come and take a peek into that moment… SHARE MY JOY… and see what it means to be a singing, dancing, worshipping, praying GOGO DYNAMO!!!

Thank you, Zoe supporters for making our trip possible!!!

ZFK Joins With Flames Church Home Visitation Ministry

ZFK Tissue Warning! 

   tissue box

Our hearts are sooo pained, and we cry out to the Lord… we’ve lost at least 6 of our South African school children in the last 4 months.

In September late 2014, one of our single mothers lost two of her girls, Ipeleng age 10, and Tebogo age 7, when a drunk driver crashed into the taxi in which they were riding.  The gasoline tank exploded in a fiery crash, killing both girls and leaving her precious younger son severely burned.

Ipeleng and Tebogo

The ZoeForKids Team was honored to accompany members of the Flames Church Home Visitation Ministry to bring comfort and prayers of healing to this young family during the wake before the funeral.  Please pray with us that the great Comforter will wipe away all their tears and give them hope and joy in knowing that when Jesus comes, they will be reunited with their beautiful girls.

At the double funeral, the children of the school could not even sing… which is a rare occurrence.  When an African child cannot sing, it says volumes and volumes of the depth of hurt they are feeling.  Please pray for the comfort of these wee ones, who in addition to having tough lives of their own, are grieving and trying to understand the loss of their friends.

I invite you to join our home visit by watching this very personal and touching video… may our Father move you to pray for this family and the safety of all of our orphans.

Thank you for all your prayers….. we love u!


Video Overview of ZoeForKids you can share with your friends!

Some of our new supporters have asked about the background and mission of ZoeForKids.

Soooo, (under duress… I wanted to hire an actress to play me, LOL!) I worked with our fabulous and favorite videographer, Patrick Taylor, to put together this video overview about ZoeForKids.

I hope you like it.  If you do, make it go viral so that we can do more… and moreand more… for our dear, sweet, wee ones!!!


Christmas 2014: Video Report to River of Life Church

Our Christmas trip to South Africa to deliver the Wildlife Bible StoryTellers, shoes, and the love of Jesus… was AMAZING!!! And YOU made it all possible!!!   We wish you all could have been with us to see the faces filled with delight, and witness the souls were saved!!!!  The next best thing is to share with you all the stories and pictures we collected.

I’m still repairing storm damage on my home, working to get back in the groove after “partying hardy” in South Africa, and I’m TRYING to make amends with my wee puppy who insists I was away tooooo long… BUT MY REPORTS ARE COMING!!!

Soooo, to whet your interest…  click on the picture below to view a video presentation given by ZoeForKid’s very own Patrick Taylor and his friend Kurt von Pessler to the River of Life Community Church.  We LOVE ROLCC… they are HUGE supporters of ZoeForKids… covering us in prayer, providing financial support,  and sharing the many talents of their dear saints for the glory of Jesus and the love of our kids.

ROL CC Building


Watch this video when you are relaxed, have about an hour,


tissue box

Never tiring of doing good…

Can I Get a Big ZoeForKids Family WOO HOO???

wildlife storytellers for orphans

It is with great thanksgiving, that I have the privilege to announce… that WE HAVE REACHED OUR GOAL of funding 463 Wildlife Bible StoryTellers for the orphans in Majakeneng AND Maboloka Villages!!!!  We also have collected 163 brand new ‘Christmas Shoes’ for our newly ‘adopted’ orphans in Maboloka… and handwritten cards for all!  Together, the ZoeForKids Family stands ready to bless a country… two villages… many orphaned and grateful children!!

 The Overwhelming Despair of Evil

just do nothing

We must not get tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time.  We must not give up. When we have the opportunity to do good to anyone, we should do it.  we should give special attention to those who are in the family of believers.” Galatians 6:9-10


You know, I have been so very distraught, brokenhearted, and deeply depressed as I run to the Lord in prayer — crying to Him as the evil of this world keeps knocking down the most vulnerable and defenseless … everywhere.  I have been hitting the streets in  with Zoelle every morning at 4am, for several hours of walking/running while deep in prayer…..

Today….. I heard very clearly…

“Sally, the only way you can help the catastrophic turmoil, when you can’t actually be there to snatch up those who are slaughtered is to… take that energy and passion and serve those who are placed in front of you”

Let EVERY bit of evil in this weary world be replaced by His good!

Love who you can, when you can, where you can!

When the news is full to overflowing with tragic evil– go out and counteract that evil, by going out and extinguishing its fire by doing many acts of kindness, goodness, mercy, grace, and love.

Thank you for doing good works for these… our orphans!  We will extinguish evil by God’s power and His ability as worked out through our willing and helping hands.  May our Father reveal His love to our ZoeForKids orphans through His Spirit that is in us, and Who motivates us to good works!

Thank you all for your love… it is a true reflection of Jesus Christ, who is in each of you.  I love you all for giving me the honor to represent you when I meet with our dear ones in South Africa!


Critter Accounting: Wildlife StoryTeller Drive Update!


Well… we’ve put on our green eyeshades and toted up the donations for our Wildlife Bible Story Tellers and the answer is… we are fully funded for our wee orphans in Majakeneng… BUT we are still a mere 79 critters ($2,627) short of our Maboloka stretch goal to include our newly ‘adopted’ 163 orphans in Maboloka…. THIS IS AMAZING… BEYOND OUR WILDEST DREAMS!

For Christmas 2014…

Each orphan in Majakeneng will be getting a Wildlife Story Teller … chock full of Bible stories in English and Tswana. The Majakeneng ‘herd’ of elephants, ‘ambush’ of tigers, and ‘sleuth’ of bears have assembled, embarked on their journey and are now cruising their way to waiting, loving arms in South Africa.

Each orphan in Maboloka will DEFINITELY be getting a pair of “Christmas Shoes” (i.e. custom purchased sneakers for each one of them!).  If donations continue to come in at this AMAZING RATEthese dear ones may ALSO get Wildlife Story Tellers too!

WE PROMISE to put on our eyeshades at the beginning of September and give you our final tally and let you know whether or not we’ve reached our Maboloka Goal!!! [Wasn’t that a song by Enya??]    Will there be another ‘herd’ of elephants, ‘ambush’ of tigers, and ‘sleuth’ of bears cruising to South Africa… STAY TUNED!!!

Our God and His servants… THAT WOULD BE YOU!… our faithful ZoeForKids supporters… continue to amaze me with your generosity, grace, and provision for our orphans.

Thank you all for allowing is to DREAM BIG!!!

PS. If you are lead to make a donation, please go to our donation tab: 


UPDATE: Christmas Shoe drive for Maboloka

OK!  Many of you have sent in cash donations designated for our Christmas Shoes for Maboloka drive, and we are soooo grateful!!!


Based on YOUR GENEROSITY, I just sent my Secret Shoppers out to convert your precious dollars into sneakers! Your funding just bought us another…. 51 pairs of sneakers… putting us 80% of our way to our goal!!!


We only need another 33 pairs!!! In the attached picture you will see the gender and sizes that we still need.


Thank you THANK YOU for helping make this dream come true!!!
Maboloko Shoes w donations


Should we give StoryTellers to our orphans in Maboloka too?


In March 2014, we decided to partner with MegaVoice to provide each of our 300 wee orphans in Majakeneng village with a stuffed toy that ‘tells Bible stories.’ Each toy has a solar powered audio device that will be loaded with 10+ hours of Bible Stories in their local language, Tswana, and also in English (so it will be a language skills teaching tool as well). We pray along with YOU, that these toys will give them comfort, while the stories will give them hope.

We began our donation drive in April, to fund the StoryTellers for our orphans of Majakeneng… and, by the grace of God and YOUR generosity, we are getting close to our targeted need.

THEN, this month… June 2014… we have decided to “adopt” another 160+ orphans in the nearby village of Maboloka.  Immediately, we began a drive to provide these dear ones with ‘Christmas Shoes’… custom purchased for their specific sizes and gender tastes.

HOWEVER, several ZoeForKids donors have asked if we would consider giving StoryTellers to this new group too. Sooo…. if God is behind this desire to donate shoes AND StoryTellers, we have to up our game!!!!

What do you think?  Should we do it?  Will you help bless the orphans of BOTH Majakeneng and Maboloka villages?

We think our big hearted donors are right (We know…YOU ALWAYS ARE!)… Think about it… what is the best Christmas gift we can give these dear little ones? Isn’t it… the certain knowledge of God’s love… the hope of salvation… and a little cuddle from a faithful and soft ‘pet’?

Thank YOU sooo much for your prayerful consideration of donating to these StoryTeller and Shoe drives. In any case, may our Father richly bless you and your family.

If God is leading you to make a quick donation now… it’s easy… go to the “Donate” link on the black bar at the top of this page… and you can choose to donate by credit card through Paypal (no Paypal account needed), OR donate through a PayPal account OR send a check.

ZoeForKids thanks YOU, and our orphans THANK YOU… Your generosity of heart is always AWESOME.  And like we always do, we will ‘invite’ you to enjoy our Christmas Parties through posted pictures (and maybe videos!) of our kids rejoicing with their snazzy sneakers and the Word of God spoken by their StoryTellers.

Christmas Shoes… “Déjà vu all over again!!!”


We are 48% of our way to our goal.  Here is a list of the gender/shoe sizes that we still need.  THANK YOU all so much for contributing to our new school of orphans….

Latest Shoe count  6/30/2014
Latest Shoe count 6/30/2014



Are you ready for this all of you “ZoeForKids honorary moms and dads”?

Congratulations on your new ‘babies’!!!  Not one… not two… but you are the proud parents of an additional 72 girls and 91 boys!  ZoeForKids is adopting ANOTHER group of orphans and vulnerable children… at the Maboloka School!

As you know, for this Christmas 2014, we plan to give each of the 300 orphans at the Majakeneng village school a Wildlife Bible StoryTeller… a stuffed critter (lions, elephants, and bears… OH MY!) with about 15 hours of Bible stories recorded inside.  That donation drive is still ongoing, but we are getting closer to our targeted amount needed…. Thanks to YOUR generosity!!!

BUT, what are we going to do for our new wee ones at the Maboloka school… well, we are going to begin at the beginning, of course…  with CHRISTMAS SHOES!!!

Starting today, we are asking that the Lord will provide through you, 163 pairs of shoes.  I need to have them by October 1 to ensure their delivery to South Africa.  Remember that South Africa is in the Southern Hemisphere and is entering winter… so we will be needing sturdy, warm shoes, like sneakers… no flip flops please!  Here is a list of the sizes we need by gender…

Maboloko Shoes2

If you purchase shoes, they should be sent to Sally Herman 4932 East Colby St, Mesa, Az 85205  ALSO, please let Betty know the size and gender of the shoes by emailing her at… she will update and repost the current needs list.

If you prefer to make a cash donation, you can find use this link:  I will then send my ‘secret shoppers’ out to get the best shoe value for your donated dollars.

ZoeForKids donors are the best!  I can’t thank you all enough for your continued generosity.  100% of your donations directly improve the lives of now… 463 orphans who are loved by God and us.  Thank you for the opportunity of allowing me to be your eyes and ears during our parties with these dear ones… I wish you could all be there to experience their excitement.  While I get to play the role of ‘gift giver’ at these parties … I know, and I make sure our kids know, that YOU are the ones making the financial sacrifice for them, YOU are the great givers of these gifts!



The Great Pajama Party of May 2014!!!

 “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little”  —Edmund Burke


P.S.  Go to Collection Drives > 2014 May: The Great Pajama Drive! to see a longer version.


I write to you all, with great joy in my heart!!!  I just got back from South Africa this week… where we held the most amazing PJ party a child could ever dream of!

2014 May Drive25

After many months and hours of preparation our PJ party was a big success!!  It’s always sooo exciting the morning our kiddie clan arrives for ‘their’ day.  To be honest, I get twisted up in knots… good and bad… when I hear the buses arrive with excited kiddies… peering out the windows… yelling and screaming, “Sister Sally!!!”  A tide of raw emotions wash over my soul… as I know the day will roll in with squeals of elated joy… and roll out with a feeling of great helplessness.

Hearing the jubilant voices from down the road and seeing them cheer as they pull into the dirt parking lot sounds a lot like angels to me.

Dec 2013 Christmas39

In their small worlds full of tragedy, coldness and fear—here, they are given a moment of time just to be kids.  They walk into the warm and loving atmosphere of the church and feel… not only the bigness of God’s love—but, our smallness in human love as well.

Before I forget to mention it… in the wee hours of ‘preparation morning’… prior to every event, we have our precious Go-Go’s (grannies) marching around the entire church interceding for us!

2014 May Drive30

They tell me, “My sister, we can’t have a gathering in the church, without prayers covering every corner!”  After an hour or so of prayer they go and start the cooking to feed the 300 orphans!

Only in Africa…..  will you find precious old grannies treating  the power of prayer as the mainstay of protection.  To see them march around the entire church clapping their hands interceding, asking for God to come… is like watching the walls of Jericho fall down at the commanding power of their prayers!!!

 After the kids arrived, they sat down to a program of singing, dancing and bible stories!  The program was led by the faithful youth of Flames Church, and it was quite “African”… exciting as only the African way can be!  They even included singing and dancing competitions… to which the kids responded with out of control laughter… till their stomachs hurt!

2014 May Drive18

We then presented Certificates of Service awards to our three cooks.  These dear ladies cook for three hundred orphans every day at school.

2014 May Drive8

Their look of humble gratitude as the children clapped…and gave them a standing ovation… stirred my heart to tears.

Life in Africa is not easy.  Cooking for our orphans is not easy labor.  Yet, everyday these three ladies cook ‘al fresco’… in the ‘all outdoors’… in huge pots on a cement floor…with no modern conveniences… in order to serve our children.

2014 May Drive17 2014 May Drive20

I am in awe at their dedication, hard work and compassion for our orphans.


After this, Sister Sharon gave the children a Gospel Magic Show which captivated the attention of all 300 kids!

2014 May Drive28

This would never happen where we come from.  Technology today has robbed American children of their God given attention span and social skills… and yet, our orphans, void of technology, are so thirsty to learn… sooo open to being loved!

2014 May Drive21

A simple magic show which teaches a simple Gospel lesson is enough to hold them captive!  For this moment of time, they are someone’s number-one priority.  That someone being, us… you… and, everyone who supports ZoeForKids!

After the ‘fun’ part of the party…   the children feasted on mountains of beef, pap, and cabbage.

2014 May Drive12

Our dear African sister, Lorraine, presented 6 huge frosted cakes that she had made just for this party!!

2014 May Drive13

Each child ate until their bellies were beyond full.  Even better than that, I could tell the hunger that groaned in their bellies in the past, is no longer preoccupying them… they look happier and healthier each time we visit them.

2014 May Drive3

Lest I forget, the kids ate EVERY crumb of EVERY cake that Lorraine made… and like every child around the world— each one ‘needed’ one frosted candy to be placed on top of their piece of cake!

2014 May Drive5

Kids being Kids—they are all the same, everywhere!

I often marvel at the fact that kids are just kids in every country of the world that you go!

I think…every child wants sugar and every child wants love.  Sugar and love go together like a big piece of frosted cake!   The reality is… the worst disease in the entire world is the disease of being ‘unwanted’… and that, my friends, is being cured in our small corner of the world with your and God’s help!

After the big meal, every child got in line.

2014 May Drive15

We had gift bags prepared with several pairs of warm PJ’s, scarves, and toys in every bag!

2014 May Drive29

Each child received a bag filled with treasures… fit for the royalty they are!

2014 May Drive262014 May Drive27

2014 May Drive23

Can I also mention—the handwritten cards that you donated, got precious treatment… tucked away safely in their pockets and book bags after they read them!!  They held great meaning to them… you could tell by the width of their smiles and the way they carefully put them back into the respected envelopes and tried to reseal each one.

Every child hugged us and told us, ‘THANK YOU!!!’   This, to me, is treasure directly from heaven….   But, I don’t stop there.  I tell them about all of YOU.  They then tell me to give to you—THEIR LOVE AND HUGS.  I tell them that, without their family all over the world, this day would never have been made possible. …   .

I humbly say, “Thank you”

I have no words.

 Well, yes, I do….ONE MORE THING!

 Many of you have been following the story of little Aida.  Her granny is a Sangoma (witch doctor) and threw away everything Aida received from us.  On a prior trip, while visiting Aida at her shack, the granny threw me out.  Aida cried on my shoulders and I cried too.  She didn’t show up at our 2013 Christmas Party and I figured I would never see her again.  I believed mixing with Christians would be prohibited by her granny.

aida sitting

BUT, by the good grace of God and much prayer I am sure… she came to the PJ party!  I was over the moon in happiness!!!   Of course I loaded her bag full of great things and a few pair of warm PJ’s.  When I asked her how it was at home, her eyes just filled with gigantic tears…

I think this is the greatest ache in my soul:  …  “to be so close to this precious child that I can hold her and comfort her for a moment… and yet, so far away in the relieving of her continual pain.”

aida crying

It may not seem like much is being done in our little corner of South Africa.  In the scheme of “mission greatness”—we are quite small.  There are over 1-billion children in the world who are deprived of shelter, food, safe water, sanitation, health care and education.  When I hear of such statistics I become ill inside.  The task before us is huge, never ending, and very daunting.

For my own sanity I have to scale the billion down to a city… and even the city… down to a few.  If every one of us prayerfully provides for ‘the few’ that God has placed under our care, we can grow to a point where He will entrust many more to our care.

If we just focus on the ocean of orphans in the world we will be unequipped, overwhelmed and paralyzed from action.  We cannot allow ourselves to be paralyzed into inaction.  That is why, for us not to act for the ‘few’, because we can’t help them all, is heresy.  If we all assisted just the ones we have been given, we will eventually be challenged to accomplish this work for many more… BUT one step at a time, as God lights our footsteps.

 Once again, God is our Banner, “Jehovah Nissi”.

2014 May Drive32

He goes before us… he stays with us… and now He stays behind, watching over our wee orphans when we cannot.  He opened the way that not one gift was stolen through customs and our orphans were served as royal Kings and Queens—now, we trust Him to stay with them as we leave.

There are no words that can fully express my feelings right now.  Just know, I love you all… from the depths of my heart, and I thank you strongly for looking beyond the borders of your heart and expanding those borders to cover them.

Together, we did it.

I love you so very much



“The more often we feel without acting, the less we will be able ever to act, and, in the long run, the less we will be able to feel.” 

–C.S. Lewis











“The StoryTellers are so great that… I need one TOO!!”

Our ZoeForKids Family has been watching our new “kid-eo” about the Bible StoryTellers.

wildlife storytellers for orphans

In addition to wanting to donate to help ZoeForKids purchase these gifts for our South African orphans for Christmas 2014… MOST… if not ALL… have been saying, “These are GREAT… can I get these for my own family?”  After talking to the distributor, the answer is YES!

You can purchase these great gifts directly for your children… or grandchildren… or nieces and nephews… or little friends… of all ages!!!

To make a direct, personal purchase, send an email to Deborah Templeton ( and she will place the order for you.  She will collect specifics from you about the type of animal(s) you want, the quantity, the Bible Story language, and other key bits of information.  Mention that you are part of the ZoeForKids Family and you will get the discounted price of $30 each including shipping in the 48 contiguous states (there will be additional shipping charges for shipping elsewhere.)

So let’s spread the Bible’s Good News to South Africa and to the far flung reaches of our ZoeForKids Family!!!

P.S. To donate to ZoeForKids’ Christmas 2014 StoryTeller Drive, go to:

“Elephants, Tigers, and Bears! Oh, my!”

Come and watch our new “Director’s Cut” of our Christmas 2014 Kid-eo.

This new Kid-eo release contains an English audio sample of the Bible stories spoken through the Wildlife StoryTellers.

We need your help… our ZoeForKids Family… to help us raise the funds to provide these dear gifts of knowledge and faith to our wee South African orphans.

Patrick T. is showing this video to his church to generate interest and support for this drive.  If you want to make handouts for your church, here is a printable picture file that you can use…



Calling all ZoeForKids Prayer Warriors!!!

In early to mid April, I am going to South Africa and I NEED YOUR PRAYERS. 


The purpose for my visit is to find a plot of land where we can plant our first ‘ZoeSeeds’

Our vision is to buy some land… then plant a ZoeSeed that will become an indoor Zoe kitchen and dining room for our orphans.  On that same land we will continue to plant ZoeSeeds, this time, for a common room…  initially, for after-school tutoring, but could grow into a church.  We will then plant a  ZoeSeed that will grow into ZoeHouse… a temporary safe house… open 24/7… for emergent sheltering of at-risk kids and unwanted infants until longer term placement can be arranged. 

Lord willing, I want to start our building projects in Majakaneng Village… and use what we learn to bring this model to other villages in the area.

You see that to take on this ambitious project, I REALLY need God’s direction and blessing, and  I REALLY need your prayers to help us accomplish this.   

So here is my prayer request list (so far… heehee!) :

  • I will be meeting with the mayor of Majakaneng Village!  Pray that the Spirit of God goes before me and inclines his heart to our cause and shows him ways to help facilitate and quicken our land acquisition, planning and building.  I pray that God will give him scissors to help us cut through any red tape.
  • Pray that the Lord will show Pastor Alcy and I His perfect way to call up and inspire local men and women who are both trustworthy and committed  to lead the way for ZoeForKids. 
  • We need the Lord to provide
    • a SA ZoeForKids leader who has a heart and passion for the Lord AND for these children, just like Pastor Martin did; someone who can inspire others, someone who can manage and coordinate all the ZoeForKids project teams. 
    • a skilled and knowledgeable person who is gifted with land acquisition and construction to see our building efforts from dreams to reality. 
    • the needed  staff with their various skills… cooks, kitchen workers, tutors, pastors, foster parents, maintenance workers… all who love the Lord, walk in His ways, and with hearts who truly care for our orphans.
  • Pray that the Lord will lead Pastor Alcy and I to the perfect plot of land that He has chosen.  Pray that He makes His choice so abundantly obvious to us… that we CAN’T make the wrong decision.  We want to see Your Hand in this, Oh Lord!
  • ALSO, pray for a great spiritual revival starting in Majakaneng Village!!!

I am counting on you to cover us with your prayers!!!  

We don’t want to labor in vain… we want the Lord to effortlessly pour out His blessings upon us… so we can care for his ‘gifts’… the orphan children in Majakaneng Village!!!

Psalm 127

Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain.
It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors;
For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.
How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;
They will not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate.

Christmas Donation Drive Sneak Peek

Z4K w storytellers

“On the Road Again”.

Zorro and Patrick are heading from Washington to Arizona so we can video a ‘kid’-mercial for our Christmas 2014 ZoeForKids Donation Drive

Zorro, Zoelle, and a new stuffed friend, Teddy, will be the stars.  With God’s blessing, we want to give our precious South African orphans these TALKING Bible story telling animals for Christmas 2014… but we will need your help and continued generocity.

YES, these stuffed toys not only are huggable, but they TALK!  15 HOURS of Bible stories… in Tswana… the heart language of our orphans!

Our “Wildlife Bible StoryTellers” ‘kid’-mercial will be ready for ‘primetime’ in April – stay tuned!

UPDATES: Restarted Feeding, Kitchen Project, PJ Drive


This is a thank you from the school of Majakaneng where we fed 1500 children for the last 2 weeks of school when they had no food to feed the kids..   The kids would not have done well on their finals had their tummies not been full.

Emergency Food letter

THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN for your support.  Because YOU gave, we could.  Thank you!!!

Our kids are back in school now… summer vacation is over.   So now we are restarting their daily feeding program.



When I visit in March, I pray we can find a convenient, special place on which we can build a kitchen… with room for future expansion of services in the future, should God allow!  I can’t wait to check it all out!  Please, please keep us in your prayers as we seek God’s direction and provision for which services are most important to our wee ones.



The first sets of winter PJs are trickling in.  I would love to take the first shipment of warm PJ’s over during my March visit and then any remaining ones during my visit in May.  We will again celebrate with our precious ones, and distribute your PJs just prior to their COLD winter!

  • So, you early birds… please send your PJ donations to me by MARCH 1 and they will be hand carried to SA that same month!
  • And for the rest of us… final donations should be in my mailman’s hands no later than MAY 1 for my duffle bag caravan to SA.

ATTENTION ZOEFORKIDS SHOPPERS:  Be on the look out for end of winter sales going on NOW.  We still need all sizes (S M, L) for boys AND girls. (Remember South African seasons are the opposite of the northern  hemisphere… which allows us to bargain shop the seasonal racks just before our kids will be needing them.)

This past May, we warmed those little hearts with new and handmade blankets.  This year we want to wrap them in another layer of warmth… toasty PJ’s/ Long Underwear/ Sweatshirt and pant sets… whatever the Lord leads you to.

As most of us are in the northern hemisphere, we are grimacing over our heating bills, pulling our blankets a little more snuggly around our necks, and layer-layer-layering against the brutal cold… please use each of those events as a reminder to pray that our Father will provide for the little ones through their coming winter!!!

Thank you soooo much for your ongoing support, for your expressions of love, and for your faithfulness to our Zoe Kids… stay WARM!

“Praise Jesus!”, as we move into 2014!




“Praise Jesus !”

As we Move into 2014 !


from Bruce Marchiano

  January 24, 2014    

157 Babies Taken by Abortion Every Single Hour

This is the headline of a LifeNews article (edited to remove graphic details) reads:

“This week our nation marks 41 years of legalized abortion. For most Americans, this anniversary is a day to mourn – a day to mourn the loss of tens of millions of unborn children – sons and daughters, brothers and sisters… Since that fateful day abortion was made legal in 1973 there have been an estimated 56,662,169 lives “taken,” each a tiny baby… If you run the math, the numbers are chilling: 1.382 million every year; 115,167 every month; 26,577 every week; 3,786 every day… 157 babies every hour; more than 2 every minute.”


This is why I’m prioritizing the film, Alison’s Choice

High on my list this year is the production of a new Encounter-type film wherein Jesus reveals Himself to a young woman having an abortion, trying to save her baby’s life. Words can’t describe this film’s importance as it will save many unborn lives. I can only humbly ask you to join me through your much-needed support. We are filming in the spring so that doesn’t give us much time. Please, I need you to join me with even a small donation. Lives will be saved. Thank you!



The NewJesusMovie inches forward

If you follow on Facebook you know that we are hard at work in Israel identifying shooting locations. It’s extremely difficult to shoot in Israel (which is why Jesus movies are almost always shot in Morocco), but to me it’s a matter of obedience. As we lock in these locations the budget is being re-written and so far it seems we’ll be able to shoot NJM for much less than we first thought. We praise Jesus!



South Africa brings us new opportunities and new challenges in 2014

I consider my outreach work to the villages of the NorthWest Province of SA to be non-negotiable. Several times a week I text Pastor Martin’s wife, Alcy, with the words, “I stand with you all the way.” But the challenges in any African setting are never-ending. Just this past week, one of the churches we built was broken into, sound equipment and more stolen. Alcy was in an auto accident that put her in the hospital, though she’s out now and doing fine.

Martin would always say to me, “Life, my brother, is all in how you meet the challenges.” And so we press forward with 1) three crusades in the planning; 2) we need to build a kitchen for the AIDS orphans; and 3) I have it in my head to purchase a bus for the churches since 60% of our budget goes to hiring buses for the people. So lots to do and we’re on our way!

Speaking of South Africa…

Do you remember that we fed a primary school of 1500 students for the month of December? I just received this letter from the principal, Eunice Mathasedi… “Thank you so much for the food during the time of need. We are without words. I am proud to tell you that the school was able to meet the standard of “pass percentage” with your help, for these learners cannot write final exams with empty stomachs. On behalf of the school governing body, the principal, staff and the 1540 orphans and vulnerable children that you feed, thank you…

All this… and the Gospel too. All this… because of you who give/pray. I thank God for you even as I hear the Lord’s whisper to you, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” Well done, precious MarchMin friend. Well done. We press forward! Glory to Jesus!

Bruce Marchiano

Winter PJ Collection Drive… Game On!!!

We are off and running on our Winter PJ Drive… we have 10 already and we just started!!!

We plan on gifting our little sweethearts in South Africa with winter pajama sets to keep them warm and snug.   Our PJ’s will arrive in SA in May, just when the weather is beginning to turn cold and Jack Frost starts nipping their wee noses.

Our target is to collect and distribute 350 PJ sets.  Flannel or fleece, night gown or PJ sets, one piece footies or union suits… or two piece sweatshirt/pant sets, insulated underwear… as long as they are warm, they will be treasured.

Here is our tally sheet showing how many PJ’s we need by gender and size (sorry it’s so fuzzy):

PJ Accounting 01192014b

As we enter the spring (hee hee) warm PJ’s are going to be quickly disappearing from the store shelves… so, GAME ON!!!

Thank you ALL for your loving support of our wee ones in South Africa!!  Let’s warm their little frames with toasty PJ’s and continue to warm their hearts with our love.  They sooo appreciate your gifts from the heart and your love.  I can see it in their eyes and their squeals of joy.   I SOOO APPRECIATE YOUR LOVE!!!

ZoeForKids donors are the most loving donors on the planet… the love of Jesus shines through you every day!!!!