On Our Way to South Africa!

BruceBruce Marchiano    November 30, 2013

Final SA Crusade of 2013
Glory to Jesus! This year’s SA crusades have been astonishing as the Lord exploded in grace like never before with many coming to Jesus, many lives touched/healed… Our churches all report packed houses and new souls. And following Sharon/Sally’s October SA trip to reach out to AIDS orphans and kiddies, so many of them are now coming to church that our challenge is hiring more buses to get them there safely. Now our final crusade begins Dec. 6; general services, a youth meeting, and a Christmas event for the AIDS orphans. Please, we sure could use your financial support because we just had an extraordinary SA expense pop up (see below). So I invite your consideration. Glory to Jesus!

We’re Feeding 1500 SA Kids a Day
Recently I received the most heart-rending letter from the school our orphans attend. In the rural SA school system, the government supplies one meal/day for the kids (but if you saw that meal you would cry tears). For a vast number of kids this is their only food each day. So the principal writes, “Our school has 1540 learners, all classified in the last census as “the poorest of the poor.” They all depend on the school meals. For November we did not receive anything from the Department of Education and our learners are without food. It is up to the school to feed these hungry stomachs especially in this time of the year when they are taking final exams…” I could share more, but you get the idea. I hope you don’t mind, but we couldn’t just not do anything. The kids will all be fed.

You know, we’re often seeking, “What’s God’s will for my life?” But I’m learning more and more that God’s will is actually easy to discern. And the “big picture” is actually comprised of living in day-to-day faithfulness to what He’s put before you; daily living in His ways – giving of self; humble execution of responsibility; regarding others as you would have them regard you; truthfulness and graciousness; kindness, modesty, care; shelving my want for what HE wants – which, again, is actually very obvious.

So I want to stop for a moment and encourage you as I know you seek God’s best and want to please Him… Simply be faithful to what’s before you today, one day at a time. Take the hard steps of clearing away things that make your life less than what He desires for you (we are often our own worst enemies so be honest with yourself). And just walk forward in His ways that will always challenge our personal want and presumption of need. He loves you, precious one. He wants the best for you. And I have a feeling that’s right in front of our noses. And for me and MarchMin this past week, that means not turning those kids away. Glory to Jesus!

AlisonsChoice.com is Live!
Please go to www.alisonschoice.com. It is our new film undertaking under our new vision to save unborn lives. Please spread the word on Facebook and beyond. We film in the spring! [Go to http://alisonschoice.com/   for more details about this Marchiano Ministries project]

NewJesusMovie Locations Are Being Scouted in Israel
Our Israeli production designer and manager undertake a preliminary scouting trip Nov. 26 for five days. [Go to http://newjesusmovie.com/   for more details about this Marchiano Ministries project]

I Praise Jesus for You!
Pretty cool to see all this spelled out, isn’t it? You know, we’re just a handful of volunteers, each working out of home offices. It can make it feel like MarchMin isn’t such a big deal. But then you sit back and take an overall look, and it hits you that the Lord is extremely busy here, doing things that no man can do, reaching precious lives on many levels… And I’m just so thankful for you because it is only through your prayer, support, encouragement… that His fruitfulness flows. I praise Jesus for you, even as I head off to SA. Sharon will keep you informed until I return. May souls find Jesus! Glory to Jesus!

Bruce Marchiano